Monday, April 4, 2011

Breaking All the Rules

On Thursday I decided to have a "veg-out" day with the kids. IT WAS WONDERFUL! I needed a break from the humdrum of the daily routine and this is how our day went - Before 8a.m. I had started a movie and shortly after I brought up popcorn and juice for breakfast. After watching the Prince of Egypt I had them play outside for a bit before starting movie number 2 at 10:30a! Recording breaking I'm telling you. Shortly after the second movie we had lunch in the tv room and then we headed outside to play. Adeline and Darton have rediscovered their Fisher Price farm set and have enjoyed multiple days of taking it outside to play "farm" and race their horses. Later that afternoon we played our new game The Grouchy Ladybug and then headed upstairs for movie #3 while we drank homemade caffienated frappocinos! Breaking the rules also meant no shower for me. I know for some moms that is really hard to do... not the case for me. By Thursday evening I was ready to be productive and did a few dishes at the sink and we then cleaned up all the odds and ends around the house before eating dinner in the tv room :). Darton took a late nap on Thursday and therefore couldn't fall asleep until 10p that night. He did a great job playing by himself with a LEGO helicopter after his sister went to bed. This picture captures the good time he is having plus Matthias' favorite position - feet in the air! He is either holding them or has them together like if you were playing pat-a-cake with his feet. He's my little monkey. When Friday mornig rolled around I was pumped to get back in the groove of our normal routine. Most Fridays we have a play date at our house. This past Friday a good friend's son turned 13 and we enjoyed 5 hours of pool and terrace time. On Saturday we had more friends over and the kids enjoyed another 4 hours in the pool. With two straight days of no naps Darton just couldn't stay awake during the church service.Last night Adeline wanted to sleep in her tent she made.


Miss Mommy said...

Love all the record breaking! Great sleep shots, too.

Grandmommie and G-dad said...

trying to leave a comment

Grandmommie and G-dad said...

finally, worked, sorry. The kids look adorable. Glad you had a down day, too. We all need one, Grandmommie and G-dad