After last Friday night's bribe of a donut for Adeline to sing with me, we went to Krispy Kremes on Saturday as a fam and enjoyed way too much sugar for 9 o'clock in the morning :)

Last Saturday was free admission for all Santo Domingo museums, so we went to the Natural History Museum and the History of the Dominican Man Museum. We normally stick around the house on Saturdays, so it was so much fun to get out and about.

sorry the picture is so dark

A sugar cane extractor from way back when. Well maybe it wasn't so far back...not quite sure. Sugar cane was big business here at one point.

Since it's December, we have to enjoy hot chocolate with marshmallows for story time. The weather is beautiful right now. The air is much drier which makes the heat more doable. Time on the terrace in the evenings is very refreshing.

Our Christmas tree. Scott's first words when he saw it were, "Yep, that's a Needum Christmas tree." However my moms is much prettier!

Scott and I enjoyed a progressive dinner with Christian couples last Saturday night. I made this tomatoe-mozzarella-basil-sundried tomatoes appetizer as well as stuffed mushrooms. The mushrooms were yummy, but not so pretty to take a picture of. Scott came up with the genius idea to use the left-over stuffing to make a quiche. It was YUMMY!

The kids washed Abraham this past week. Yes, we now have dogs named Sarah & Abraham ;)
Look at my cute boy....he's one of those babies (my first) who knows to smile when you get the camera out. He is so much joy!

Adeline and Darton sang last morning in church with the other children.

Ms. Ballerina

Thursday morning before the performance. I'm 28wks now and so. very. tired. The same week I started the 3rd trimester was like running into a brick wall and all my energy was gone! We are taking it slowly needless to say and I'm increasing my iron intake.

Thursday morning was not only Adeline's ballet class performance, but also the school performance. Darton is in the picture below on the top row and last on the right.

Adeline was one of the shepherds in her class. She did an excellent job learning the songs in Spanish.

Matthias still loves his morning naps and fell asleep on Scott during the performance.

Santa came and brought a toy for each of the kiddos (bought by the parents).

Darton and Santa. Since the DR is a very Catholic culture, Santa was sure to incorporate baby Jesus into his greetings over and over. He even asked the kids if they talk to Him every night.

The kids received part of their Brio train set from Santa. They are truly enjoying just these few pieces, so I can't wait to see their faces when they receive all the extras (bridges, etc) on Christmas morning.
However, when Adeline opened up the train set she IMMEDIATELY started crying because it wasn't make-up! So there very well could be lots of tears come Christmas morning.
I asked Adeline if it was fun to see Santa and she just KNEW that he wasn't the real one because he spoke Spanish!! We explained that he speaks all languages, but Scott has also explained that Santa isn't real. Adeline refuses to believe that.