Monday, January 31, 2011

It's About Time

2 months after giving birth to my third child, I'm finally sitting back down to blog. When I get out of the groove, it's hard to get back into it.
We are adjusting well to haivng 3 blessings. I can honestly say I feel more blessed than overwhelmed and I truly expected to feel the opposite. Praise God for His mercies!

We've made it to the beach and are enjoying catching up with friends. We are at 2 1/2 years here in the DR now and we have had to say goodbye to 3 friends and a fourth will leave soon. It's the life of the expat....meeting new people and then saying good-bye sooner than later. It's not fun, but you are thankful for the experiences you've had and look forward to the new ones to come (although I must admit making friends takes lots of work!). Saying goodbyes is a reminder that we don't have forever to tell people about Christ's love.


Unknown said...

Wow, the beach! It's freezing here in Texas right now. And that's quite right about making new friends really being tough work! Glad to see you are finding some time to blog again.


Geer Family said...

Thanks so much Jordan for commenting! makes me get my act together to blog