Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Just One of "Dem" days

Although today is Wednesday, I'm just now getting to write about our wonderful Monday :)

It was just one of them days when just about everything happened. My daughter managed to use the restroom on everything between the room, the park, and the pool. We went through about 4 pairs of panties in 30 minutes and had to tell multiple people that there was urine that needed to be cleaned up. Lunch took 45 minutes for a sandwich and so Adeline managed to use the restroom on the seat cushion during that time. But before all of this occurred, Adeline locked herself into the hotel room! The door to the outside was deadbolted from the night before and there is only a door knob on one side of the door for the doors that connect our rooms. Ten minutes went by with my naked daughter crying "help" and saying "poop" in order for me to get her out of there before I realized no one was coming and I was going to have to do something about it. Luckily I had my Swiss army knife and I unscrewed the door knob.

I thought that this experience called for a frozen lemonada at the poolside. After nap time we headed back down to the pool for the best experience of our Monday - diarrhea in the pool. No that wasn't just a leaf hanging from my daughter's rearend! Probably a result of her insisting on drinking copious amounts of bath and pool water in spite of my pleas.

And let's not forget that she had to go to the restroom 4 TIMES at dinner. For those potty training or have potty trained while also having a infant in your arms you know why I feel the need to tell my story :).

Tuesday morning we went to a friend's house - Anamaria & Maria Fernanda. In the afternoon Adeline got a busted lip and uppergum that produced the most blood in an accident she's had in her 2 years of life. Oh...but that wasn't all. While outside (coming from the restroom of course) Adeline playfully and unknowingly hit a thorn bush and got a nice little cut across the palm of her hand. At that point I just had to laugh...poor thing.


T said...

She's a cutie!

Judy said...

Even on "those" days remember we are praying for you. I hope the remainder of the week is much more uneventful.
Love you

Danny Patterson said...


Loverins said...

I'm just wondering how you can sound so cheerful and write that at the same time. I can't believe all that happened! I guess you'll have to move back to Battle Mountain where things like that don't happen ;). Jerry

MistyDawn said...

What a day!!! I hope everything calms down...if even for a day! :D stay safe and keep us updated!