Monday, February 14, 2011

Exercise & Donuts

We are getting back into an exercise routine. The boys and I have gone the last two Mondays to the Botanical Gardens. My goal for now is a 20minute fast paced walk and 3 sets each of squats and pushups for triceps and biceps. Twleve hours after this morning's workout my arms are feeling the burn. We went to the zoo this past Saturday. Notice our strollors taking up the back row. I push Matthias in the single jogger while Scott takes the older two in the double.
My sweet Matthias 2 1/2mths
Adeline made Valentines for all of her classmates. She wrote her name on each one, cut out the hearts, and decorated with "sparkles" and stamps. We put John 4:19 "We love God because He first loved us" on her cards. I can't say if I would have had the nerve to put the verse on the cards if we were in the States. There isn't any threat to talking about God here, yet they have a HUGE problem with saying Oh Dios Mio (Oh My God). It's their way of saying "wow." The Christians I've challenged about it had no idea they were taking God's name in vain (3rd Commandment). My kids are having a very very hard time going to the potty. They honestly don't care if they are wet or not. So my new incitive is 5 days without peeing in your pants and you get a donut. Darton was the first to get a took 12 days! Adeline has 2 more days to go. Ironically we get to Krispy Kremes and it's the first day for an oferta (offer) - buy a dozen glazed donuts and get a dozen free. Do you know what that means???? We could stand in line for over an hour and the line hadn't even started outside the building yet. Ater not moving in line for 5 minutes I went to the front and gave a lady money to buy me one donut with sprinkles (although D's preference was a purple frosted donut!).

Our days are full with visiting friends right now. Trying to catch up with people we haven't seen in a while. Friend time is great, but it's also exhasting getting the 3 out of the house or having others over. I'm looking forward to getting back in a routine with our preschool material soon.


Miss Mommy said...

I loved all the updates- thanks!! You look great already, amazing!!!

Geer Family said...

You are incredibly kind!