Thursday, February 3, 2011


Darton at 2mths
Matthias at 2mths!
Two weekends ago we stopped at a furniture store on our way to the beach. I've been wanting to stop and take a look for about a year. We made it a point to put into our schedule this trip. The style was exactly what we like and my hubby spoiled me with a bed set, coffee table, and kitchen table and chairs. They didn't have a round table on display, but made us one in 7 days. For the past year I've wanted a round table for this area, but all I knew was that I didn't want a glass one (which tends to be the most popular type of round tables). When they showed up with this table at my door I could not believe they had made a table that was EXACTLY what I wanted without even knowing I wanted it (I know this sounds crazy!). For the past 6 years I've wanted a substantial coffee table. This table was also custom made. The piano wasn't bought on the furniture trip, but we did buy it last November from a missionary family that was moving out of country. Totally in love with it! The bedset was Scotty's splurge for himself ;)
It takes 2 men to lift every one of these pieces of furniture. They are solid, handmade pieces that literally cost us only 1/2 if not a 1/3 of it's equal in the States.
Have you ever been so giddy that your heart is doing a little dance, but you don't want to show too much over enjoyment because it's just "stuff" that you can't take to heaven anyways? Can furniture really make me feel joy? Can furniture really move my spirit? Can anyone relate?!?

Don't worry I'm not too out of balance....but I am just SO VERY GIDDY!

An update on my 2 oldest blessings:
Adeline told me today that she is a horsiegirl; NOT a cowgirl. Priceless!
Darton is so expressive when he talks. I would love to know what he'd be like if he didn't have his sister influencing him!
p.s. I highlighted "want" throughout this post because I recognize I didn't need any of it!

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