Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Yet Another One

I was so very close to home when a driver pulled out in front of me. Sigh

If you'll go down memory lane with me I had a wreck last October as well, right before I left for the States for the month of November. Guess where I'm going next week? Yep. To TX for the month. Sigh. I gues if it had to happen then it couldn't be better timing.

So the male Dominican driver that I hit (he was in a small compat car that actually rotated 180 degrees after I hit it and stopped when he hit a large truck) said he has been driving in NYC and Miami for 40 years and this was his first wreck.

That's nice, senor.

This is my third in a year and a half! I'm thinking, "You haven't had a wreck because you were in the States where driving laws are enforced and people can wait in line and not pull out in front of oncoming traffic!!!" Dominicans can wait in line in a bank...because there is ALWAYS a line at the bank. But in order to not have to wait while driving, Dominicans will:

1. drive down the wrong side of the road in order to be #1
2. make 3 out of the 4 lanes turning lanes AND even U-turn out of the outside lane
It's an "all-about me" driving world here in the DR.

I'm not going to lie, I have taken advantage of the chaotic driving system...it is a race isn't it?

I am grateful that there wasn't a child in his car because more than likely the child wouldn't have been buckled. I've observed in the majority of cars here the children are not buckled in, but have their hands on both front seats looking out the front window.

Since I'm now a pro at the Casa de Conductor system (where you file with the police when you have a wreck), I was surprised at today's visit when they kept my license. And no it wasn't due to the number of wrecks I've had! The ladies in the car had muscle complaints and the Casa de Conductor requires a medical note that the ladies have been examined before they will release my and the other driver's licenses. I've already recieved a call from the man I hit that they've been to the doctor, so I should receive my license soon. In the meantime, I am legal to drive with a paper given to me from the Casa de Conductor.
P.S. My loving husband reminded me that my first wreck was caused because I was driving down the wrong side of the road. NICE


Lindsey said...

So sorry Ann! And scary with being pregnant too! (although its too bad you weren't already big pregnant and you could have freaked the jerk out!) I can't imagine how crazy it is driving there, I'm sure you do a great job adjusting without having been used to it your whole life!

Anonymous said...

That is insane! I'm super glad you are ok!!

I've driven once or twice in Mexico and hated it. I can't take the crazy driving. No way.