Friday, November 14, 2008

A Stroll in the Park

This morning we ventured out to the park near our home. It has a walking trail in the shade, which is very nice in this weather. Someday without kids I'll get to work on the tan :).

The hardest part about going on a walk is just getting out of the house! But after about 30 minutes of getting the kids and Sarah ready we were able to hit the road. I really wish I had my camera, but that would have meant unlocking the door and going back into the house a third time before getting into the elevator. Adeline road in the stroller, Sarah in the basket underneath the stroller, and Darton was in a Bjorn pack on me. After about 15 minutes we took a break and then headed back to the apartment. This time Adeline was walking the dog and Darton was in the stroller, which is why I needed a camera b/c it was the cutset thing watching Adeline either pull the dog or the dog pull her. She didn't give up though. This moment in the park reminded me why I wanted to get a dog...not the moment yesterday when I had 2 poopy diapers and dog's poop in a paper towel in my hand all at the same time!

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