After the kids party we headed to an adult 40th bday party. We dropped both of the kids off at Denny and Cynthia's to stay the night. It's quite the empty filling in the pit of your stomach when you are returning to an empty house. Darton woke up in the middle of the night and refused to go to sleep for 1 1/2hrs! Denny said the only thing that made him not cry was to walk around the house with a flashlight. They were overly gracious to take both of the kids for the whole night! They said that it is very popular in the DR to call up friends and ask if your kids can stay the night. Wow! I'm not overly anxious to repeat it again though.
The 40th bday party....wow! There were 6 Barrick couples. One of the couples hosted a 4 course meal that was exquisite! It was so good that my husband is still talking about it today! Julie, the bday girl, said that at the previous mine they were at dinner parties were popular b/c you were stuck in the middle of nowhere in a mining compound were you worked, played, did everything with the same group of people. Since you didn't have a restaurant to go to, you created one on your own.
We said good-bye to Mariah today, a girlfriend from Texas. Not easy. We enjoyed the city together while discovering the shops with Jimmy Choo shoes and many more designers I had no clue about. Shoes from $700 that looked like something from Target ;) and dresses from $2000. It was fun to look. Saturday we went to Playa Andres and Sunday afternoon Mariah and I left for a night to the north coast.
We spent the night at La Catalina (http://www.lacatalina.com/) and admist the storm got a 2 hour window in the sun on the beach before heading home on Monday. She got to experience blackouts in our house, no computer or phone usage for most of the weekend even when we did have lights, and a short blackout in the grocery store. She's Dominican now!
Darton's vocabulary is growing vocally and through sign language. Ana taught him how to say gato (cat) last week. He also clicks his tongue to tell you what a caballo (horse) says. He responds to the questions "Como se dice un gato/caballo?" (What does a cat/horse say?).
My mom noted that he truly responds to Ana's Spanish more so than Adeline can/does. We hope that will change for Adeline this Fall after we put her in all-Spanish school 2-3 times a week (it's our friends' Denny & Cynthia's school that is a 10minute walk from our house). AAAAHHHH!!!! My daughter is going to be in the care of someone else for a good chunk of the week!!! I'm still very anxious about this, hence the exclamation marks. Ok, so 2-3 days equals out to about 8-12 hours...so that doesn't sound too bad.