Tuesday, April 12, 2011


We have officially entered the world of "little girl" and all that goes with it, most recently a possessiveness of her items. Scott has been on the lookout for a couple of years now with Adeline's clothes, toys, movies, etc. He never saw Ariel as a mermaid with a beautiful voice. No, he saw Ariel as a scandously dressed princess. I had to finally agree. The same goes for Jasmine. She wasn't as hard for me to say "good-bye." Scott threw out The Little Mermaid and Aladdin while we were away in Texas. Adeline hasn't asked for them once. However, over the weekend Scott noticed the princesses had snuck back into our house on game cards. I'm called to raise my daughter in the admonition of the Lord pointing her to Christ and how to glorify Him. Modesty glorifies God and in the end will protect my daughter. Today I sat down with her to discuss the differences in the following six princesses' clothing. Adeline immediately noticed Jasmine and Ariel were showing their belly buttons. She then pointed out that Jasmine's shoulders are showing. It took her a bit to decide how she wanted to describe what Ariel was wearing (or the lack thereof). These two fine princesses are choosing to be modest even though Cinderella's dress is lowcut. In 1950 Disney chose to be modest by not sketching in cleavage. Adeline surprised me with her comment on these two princesses, whom I thought were being modest.
"Mom, I wish I could go inside the movie to show these princesses how to cover their shoulders."

My 4 1/2 year old challenged my modesty scale today! By the time Belle came along in 1991 Disney decided cleavage was okay. Adeline whined a bit when she realized that the Ariel and Jasmine cards needed to be thrown away. She was over it in 5 minutes. Thank you Lord God for getting me through that conversation. Daddy's next challenge - trying to get rid of the suductive looking princess PJs! It's going to be a long road, but choosing Christ isn't always the easy way, now is it? IT'S THE MOST REWARDING!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for you guys! I'm not a huge princess fan to begin with, but slowly it's been appearing in our house. No movies, just books and games. Maybe I can do a purge while the girls are young, especially since their favorites are Snow White and Cinderella (the only two I can actually stand).