Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Kids' Diet

I'm continually trying to remember to work on my children getting the nutrients and vitamins they nee din their food. I highly recommend What Really Works for Kids by Susan Clark and Simply Natural Baby Food by Cathe Olson. Olson's book requires shopping outside your normal grocery store, so it's taken me a while to cook more of her recipes. However, the bonus to living in such a large city is that we have an Asian store with lots of algae products, and they are right down the street from me! I went in yesterday and found the following ingredients to make the following mix to put in different recipes.

Sea Veg Mix
2 Tbsp kelp
1/3 c crushed hiziki
1/3c crushed arame
1/4 c crushed wakame
1 strip kombu

Crush the sea vegetables with your hands and place them in a blender. Gind to a coarse powder and store in covered jar.

Sea vegetables are exceptional sources of mineral, vitamins, and protein (strengthen bones & teeth and improve nerve transmission and digestion). You can add them to your current recipes to give your food an extra boost for your immune system.

Aunt Jana you will be happy to know that we painted A's toenails for the first time today :). I've been funny about fingernail paint, but she hasn't asked until today to have it. I think I let her have lipstick over paint b/c lipstick comes off within the first 5 minutes after putting it on. However, I read in Clark's book that women ingest up to nearly 60lbs of lipstick in a lifetime, and most of those on sale contain toxic metals such as aluminium and lead...so maybe i shoudl be looking into an alternative without additives or synthetic dyes.

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