Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I've been absorbed with finding a place for us to spend the holiday weekend for the past 3 days. Everything is coming into place, thanks be to God.

Left: 5 kites flying high. A very popular pasttime here. Most are homemade.

This past weekend we went to the street that runs along the southside of Santo Domingo. You can see in the pictures that Santo Domingo isn't a sandy beach area, but cliff dropoffs.

On Sunday we spent the afternoon with David, Kathrin, Jonathan, & Katie. The picture of the neighborhood is the street thay live on. They just recently moved into their home.

1 comment:

Miss Mommy said...

Hi! This is so strange, but I got your blog from my mom who got it from your mom- maybe you know this already, but your mom has been our fave at Dr. Kososki's for years and you and I seem to be cut from the same mold- husbands, children, abroad, Spanish (tho I'm not using mine ;))...anyway, enjoy your blog, especially ages ago about your kids nearly drowning at the beach...sounds just like me. Josh even said once,(I can't remember the context)"Since Luke is largely unsupervised, could you at least...?" I cracked up...so true!