Friday, April 24, 2009


Adeline & I are 3/4 of the way through Heidi, and it has taken me that long to really enjoy the book. Johanna Spyri's writing style is hard to read smoothly and when you're reading aloud that becomes very frustrating. About 3/4 of the way through the author works in the Biblical story of the Prodigal Son as it relates to the Grandfather. The Grandfather at hearing the story read by Heidi then turns his heart toward God. Black Beauty also had tidbits of biblical teachings, but this part in Heidi was much more "in your face" so to speak. I assume though that if a reader has no Biblical knowledge then this story would just be a "nice" story without its full depth as it relates to Christ and the sinner.
Heidi is also about ignorance in a child. I think Spyri teaches the reader that a child is a blank slate, but once taught, the child will respond properly. Uh oh, I'm enjoying this analyzing too much...I'll stop for your sake!

I am working through a Life Change Series of the book of Luke. I have grown up in church, passionately followed Christ, and put my hope and trust in Him. As I have grown older though, I have encountered people who have specific opinions about who Jesus is and what He did. People will even say "it says in the Bible" when really they don't know or have misinterpreted a teaching. At times I look at them and think "that sure doesn't sound right" but I can't support a defense with scripture. I know basic truths about Christ, but it's time that I dig deeper about this Man that I call Saviour. A year ago I did a study in Elko on the book of John. At first I had no desire, but God worked through my dedication to the study and began to show me who Jesus is. In the book of John, Jesus is emphasized as God' Son. I've been hungry to study more about Jesus, which prompted me to get the Luke study as well as Carol Ruvolo's God With Us. I say all of this to give you background about the lesson I learned today about Jesus.

Christ came of a humble birth; one that was announced to a people (sheperds) that were classed with prostitutes. He came to call the sinners and to rebuke the experts. He was not concerned with the comforts of this world and trusted that God would provide (He literally had no place to lay his head). He came to serve and not to be the guest of honor. He became poor, from the richest state there is, so that we may become rich. My opinion: He did not come with a crown so that we could relate to Him and not follow Him because of His status. Many would have come in vain to follow Jesus if he came with status. They would have wanted to be known as Jesus's friend or follower just as we today want to be friend with the rich or highly esteemed.
Praise God for His perfect and sovereign plan in sending His only Son!

1 comment:

BradandJen said...

Thanks for sharing. It's inspired me to do a study and hopefully be consistent with it.